Oakman School News

PTA Newsletters

PTA News for February 2014

Check out our supporters!  Thank you to the wonderful community that help our students with their donations! business February PTA News Hello Parents, We all survived the Polar Vortex!  The good news is that spring is just around the corner.  Family fun night was...

PTA Newsletter #5

March PTA News February was a great month for the PTA for many reasons. We had a huge Core Value Assembly and 100 students were honored for Students of the Month, Bucketfilling and Math Masters. We will have another assembly in April after the next marking period....

PTA Newsletter #2 November 2012

November, 2012 PTA News October was a very busy month! We want to start off by thanking parents and staff who have volunteered to make our events successful! Thank you to the dedicated parent volunteers who have come out and helped us make the popcorn weekly and the...

PTA Newsletter #1 October 2012

It's Back to School Time! On behalf of the Oakman PTA Board and Staff, we would like to welcome you to the 2012-2013 school year at Robert Oakman Elementary. The purpose of the Oakman PTA is to support our students, teachers , parents and administrators with all...