Oakman School News


Thank you from Oakman School to Exxon Mobil and Michigan Fuels for awarding us a $500  grant this week. The money came at a perfect time during February which marks the 100th Day of School with a focus on the math curriculum.  Close to $600 was spent on math supplies from this grant to be used in the math bags that go home. This way parents can work with their child at home the same way the teacher does in the classroom. If your company provides  grants to schools please notify Mrs. Dakroub or apply on our behalf. Thanks!


Mr. Arabi and Mr. Awada

Every year, Bill Saad and his company Michigan Fuels Inc. dedicate themselves to supporting our community and giving back to enhance the life of children. Through the many service stations under his distributorship, the donations have hit a record high for 2011. “I feel fortunate to of received a great education from the Dearborn Public Schools system, now it’s time to really give back” Mr. Saad further stated “I want kids to have the same and even better education that I did when I went to school” Mr. Saad had attended McDonald Elementary, Lowrey School, and also Fordson High school in Dearborn, all of which were included in the grants this year. Mr. Saad proudly declared, “We want to continue to give back to the community every year for years to come; nothing is more rewarding than an opportunity to enhance education and opportunities of our youth,” Mr. Saad ,his company Michigan Fuels Inc. and the Exxon Mobil Educational Alliance will be distributing $5500 to Dearborn Area Schools for their math and science programs. Each Mobil gas station in Dearborn and the surrounding area, which are supplied by Michigan Fuels, have contributed $500 in grant money. Mr. Saad stated “With our support, the local gas stations have really taken an initiative in supporting their community this year. Moreover, we expect this trend to continue” The fallowing schools in the Dearborn area were approved for 2011 grants. 1) Geer park elementary- Dearborn 2) Oakman Elementry- Dearborn 3) Mcdonald Elementary- Dearborn 4) Maples Elementry- Dearborn 5) Lowrey School- Dearborn 6) Fordson H.S. –Dearborn (Double Nomination) 7) Bedford- Dearborn Heights 8) Nawal Hamadeh Schools 1) Star International Academy – Dearborn Heights 2) Universal Academy- Dearborn Heights 3) Universal Learning Academy- Dearborn heights In about 69% of all school districts in America there are Business-Education partnership programs. Research has shown that programs like the Educational Alliance are making a big difference in schools and the overall quality of educational institutions. Mr. Saad said it best with his final statement. “We will continue to dedicate ourselves to programs like these because it is not only good for the current situations of the school districts but a worthy investment in our future- the kids”