Oakman School News

PTA Newsletter #2 November 2012

November, 2012 PTA News
October was a very busy month! We want to start off by thanking parents and staff who have volunteered to make our events successful! Thank you to the dedicated parent volunteers who have come out and helped us make the popcorn weekly and the teachers for collecting the money. We hope to continue selling popcorn every Friday and running the School Store every Thursday. We encourage you to let your children participate in our events to support us so that we in turn support the staff and students at Oakman School.
Congratulations to Mrs. Rydlicki and Mrs. Felming’s classes for having the highest amount of PTA memberships in the classroom. It was a big challenge. The PTA had ice cream parties for them in gratitude.
Our first PTA meeting went very well. We are excited to have some new parents at Oakman who have shown us support. We hope to see all of you at our next meeting in November. Make sure to come on the 30th. Parents will be creating plans in groups for the policies we put into our school. We need parent input! Your voice will be heard. What are you concerns? Let’s sit together and make plans for change!
Our annual Boo Bash was a hit! Thank you so much for all the Oakman staff and parents who volunteered and made the event successful. Everyone had a lot of fun and everything went smoothly. Watch for Movie Night coming in November. It will be on the 16th and Pajama Day on the 8th. Pay just one dollar and wear your favorites to school or come see a great movie.
Once again Oakman School won the challenge of donating the most to charity. Proceeds go to the Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive that help Oakman families who have been burnt out of their home or are in need of daily essentials. Mr. Awada was invited to the hockey game between the Firefighters and Teachers to drop the puck. Look for his picture in School Life in the coming December issue.
See you at the next parent and PTA meeting on November 30th @ 9am. If you have any concerns please contact us at
PTA Secretary
Mrs. Nada Numan