Oakman School News


On Monday, May 20th all students will go outside with their teachers to  beautify school  grounds. Each classroom has their own section in the garden bed.  Please send extra tools for your child to use and return home after they work outside. You can put their name on the handle in marker to ensure the tools return home. Any donation of flowers, ornaments, or baskets to the classroom plot will be greatly appreciated.Will your child’s classroom have the nicest flower bed?

We are preparing for a huge parent and community meeting the following Thursday, May 23rd in the gym.  We welcome everyone and your attendance is critical! School Superintendents Mr. Whiston and Dr. Chochol, as well as State Representative George Darany, will be here to talk about the Bond Initiative (voting in November’s election) and the free Early College Program for Dearborn Public Schools.

Mark your calendars and be here Thursday, May 23rd at 8:50 am in the gym.

A note from the office will follow soon explaining more about Thursday’s community event.