Oakman School News

Box Tops for Education. Just clip and save for us please!

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Dear Parents,

We want to tell you about a very easy way you can help Oakman Elementary School.  By participating in Box Tops for Education you can help earn money for our school.

How does Box Tops for Education Work?

One of the easiest ways you can help is to sign up to support our school at btfe.com.  Box Top offers three easy ways to earn cash for our school through everyday activities such as buying groceries, and shopping online

Clip—Clip Box Top Coupons from hundreds of participating products. Each Box Top is worth.10 for our school.

Shop—Shop at your favorite online stores through Box Tops Marketplace (btfe.com/marketplace.com) Up to 8% of each qualifying purchase is donated to our school.  Simply go to btfe.com, register your email address, and choose to support Oakman Elementary School.

This program is an easy way to earn money for our school. Also you can help multiply our efforts by asking your friends and family to collect Box Tops on behalf of our school. 

Please start sending in your Box Tops.  For every 50 Box Tops your child will get to choose a prize from our treasure chest.

If you have any questions, please contact Mahera Jadallah at mahera99@hotmail.com

Thank you for supporting our school,

Your PTA