Oakman School News

Welcome Back and Happy New Year to All Oakman Families!

The end of the second card marking is coming soon. Report Cards will be distributed at the end of the month. A great deal of testing is about to happen here at Oakman School.  Get ready for the DRA, the SRI as we discussed in the parent meetings, as well as math, science, writing and social studies!
Did you read with your child over the Winter Break? Did you spend 20-30 minutes reading and writing  everyday from their book bags? Did you use the translated bookmarks for fiction and non-fiction we provided to guide you in the CAFE strategies we use in the classrooms?

If so we thank you! The reading and math book bags must come home every night and be used daily. Play and learn with your child!
Here are the power point presentations from the Parent Meetings we had with each grade level in December.

Step by step you will see what you need to do to achieve academic success!



Kindergarten 2013 Parent Meeting

1st grade 2013 Parent Meeting

2nd grade 2013 Parent Meeting

3rd grade 2013 Parent Meeting

4th grade 2013 Parent Meeting

5th grade 2013 Parent Meeting

If the Book Fits, Read It!