Oakman School News

What We Are Doing During March is Reading Month 2014

Hello Parents,

Did you know March is Reading Month?

The classroom teachers need your help decorating their doors. Please ask your child’s teacher what is needed and volunteer two hours of your time to purchase items and decorate each classroom door.

Teachers will be keeping track of how many minutes their students read each week. At the end of the week we will see which classroom has the most minutes logged. Read ,Read,  Read and let’s see who wins!

A calendar of activities will be coming home with your child in Mr. Awada’s newsletter today. Each day your child will have a reading/literacy activity to do at home for fun.

Also, every Friday from 9-9:15 am  the entire school will read for 15 minute for Drop Everything and Read Time.

Do you want to be a guest reader in your child’s classroom? Outside of each teacher’s room you can sign up to come read. You can bring your own book as well, even in Arabic! All readings are welcome.