Oakman School News

Mother/Daughter Dinner and Dance on Friday May 9th @ 4:30 pm

indexJoin us for  a wonderful evening for mother’s and daughters only. We will have dinner together in the cafeteria and then move to the gym for dancing. Music is provided by a DJ. This event will begin at 4:30 sharp. Please enter from door #12 only.

Tickets are $15 per adult and $10 per child. Tickets are on sale now by the PTA in the office and after school. There will be a raffle of items as well.

The beautiful Allah canvas below was donated and made by Ms.Rola’s husband. It is $2.00 per raffle ticket. The beautiful basket was made by Ms.  Amged and is only 50 cents per ticket.

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Moms and Daughters of Oakman School…..


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