Oakman School News

This Week November 2-6


Monday:  Holiday Canned Food Drive begins. Oakman School and Hype team up to distribute turkeys from Hype and canned/boxed food from Oakman students for the Thanksgiving meal. We will continue until December 16 

 There will be a class competition. Each Friday the School Safeties will collect and count the cans. In December the class with the most food collected wins a party of their choice. Please do not send in food with white labels from the government. 


Tuesday:   NO SCHOOL!!!! 

Meet at Zap Zone in Taylor and have some fun, fun,fun! This is a fundraiser for the PTA so if we get 70 people to participate the PTA will get a $200 check. Support Oakman PTA and have a blast with your friends and neighbors!!!

Wednesday: 2nd and 5th Grade Field Trips.  School Store.

T-shirts still for sale. Wear your shirt every Friday to school and during the Core Value Assemblies. 


Friday: popcorn am, no pizza 

1/2 Day! Children are dismissed at 11;45 am