MATH PARENT MEETINGS BEGIN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FOR EACH GRADE. Please check the teacher blogs and your child’s backpack for notes daily.
Monday: WATER DRIVE BEGINS. Each student is asked to bring in one case of water, NOT INDIVIDUAL BOTTLES, a whole case. These cases will be collected up until Friday and then delivered to Flint by the Hassan family and their trucking company.
As you know from the local media the residents of Flint, Michigan have been drinking tap water contaminated by lead. We want to teach our children to help those less fortunate than us so Oakman School spearheaded a plan to start collecting cases of water for Flint. This plan will go district wide to all 32 schools.
The entire DPS district will begin to collect cases of water to be transported by truck to Flint on Friday.
Each student is asked to bring in ONE CASE OF WATER. Drop off zone will be in the GYM near the stage.
5TH GRADE PARENT MEETING at 9 am in the classroom.
Tuesday: 4th GRADE PARENT MEETING at 9 am in the classroom.
pizza pm
Wednesday: 3rd GRADE PARENT MEETING at 9 am in the classroom.
school store
Thursday: 2nd GRADE PARENT MEETING at 9 am in the classroom.
1/2 day. School is dismissed at 11:45.
popcorn am
pizza pm