Who: To all Oakman Families
When: Monday, March 14th, 2016 from 4-5:30pm
Why: Our Family Literacy Night is your opportunity to share the joy of reading at school with your children. We invite you to participate as a family unit, in several activities during the course of the evening.
What to expect: There will be a variety of activities you and your family can choose from. Join the staff for a super night of reading and writing activities!
-At all times children must be accompanied by an adult.
Sam’s Club will be here. Did you know you can use your Bridgecard at Sam’s Club to buy groceries? No other warehouse offers you this convenience. Come purchase your membership for $45 and get a $10 giftcard towards your first visit just for signing up!
Pizza and baked goods will be sold in the cafeteria at 5:15 pm. There is no Book Bingo in the cafeteria, however the Book Fair will be open for business.
تقدم مدرسة أوكمن
ليلة القراءة مع العائلات
,الى عائلات مدرسة اوكمن
زمن الاحتفال: الاثنين, 14 مارس-اذار من الساعة4 -5:30 مساء
الهدف من هذا الاحتفال: الاستمتاع بالقراءة مع اولادكم من خلال ليلة القراءة في اوكمن لذلك ندعو الجميع الى الحضور مع عائلاتهم للمشاركة في العديد من النشاطات.