Oakman School News

Field Day Needs $$$$$$

Field Day will be on Friday June 3rd this year. It is an annual Oakman PTA event that is free for all students. The PTA provides a carnival atmosphere and the children enjoy a half day outside playing together. This year the PTA is considering charging each child a fee because they are short in funds.

Jokers is the cheapest company they could find to host this event. Even though they are the most economical it is still very expensive and the PTA is asking families to make a monetary donation.

Please consider writing a check to the Oakman PTA for $25, $50 or $100 from your family. It will help offset the cost as they are short! Do you have a business in the family they could go to? Please ask on their behalf if they will make a donation for the children on this fun filled day.

In the meantime they will continue selling ice cream, pizza, nachos and school store items to help raise the funds before June 3rd. If you are reading this and your child will be enjoying this day,  please consider a donation.  Every bit counts no matter the amount.

Thank you for your consideration,

The Oakman PTA

These pictures are from previous years.  They include the train for lower elementary, jumpy houses, and an obstacle course. A machine is rented to make cotton candy.  They also buy supplies to make each child a bag of popcorn and have a drink.  They also have potato sack races, tug of war and play tag football.

Making memories!

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