Oakman School News

This Week Dec. 19 to Dec. 23



Monday:  Hearing Re-testing

Tuesday: Parent Talk Graduation at 9am in the cafeteria. pizza pm

Wednesday:    3rd and 4th grade leave for Lansing. Meet in the cafeteria at 7:30 am and breakfast will be served for these students.

 Late Start.  School begins at 9:35 am. Breakfast at 9am. 

5th Gr. Math Parent Meeting at 10 am

Thursday:  Police Luncheon winners announced! Children ride in the police car to a restaurant and back. Each ticket is $1 and can be purchased in the office. Good Luck to All!

Friday: LAST SCHOOL DAY OF 2016.  Parents and Families are invited to the HOLIDAY SING A LONG in the gym. Students will be performing holiday songs in their finest!  The show begins at 1:30 pm in the gym.