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Annual Cross Country Meet Moves to Monday
– 6th Annual Robert Cipriano Cross-Country Meet Set For Monday, October 23, 2017
The sixth annual Robert Cipriano Cross-Country Meet will get underway at 4:00 pm on Monday, October 23 at Dearborn’s Ford Field Park located at Brady Street and Monroe Street. For boys in grades 6th through 8th the fun begins at 4:00 pm with a two-mile race followed at 4:25 with the girl’s two mile event. Elementary students will start their one-mile race at 4:50 pm (complete schedule below).
“It’s exciting to see this event continue to grow and I believe the after school start on a Monday will allow more students to be involved as the event will not interfere with weekend activities,” commented Director of Student Services Abe Mashhour. Mr. Mashhour also oversees the District’s physical education and athletic programs.
Mr. Cipriano was the District’s Director of Business Services for more than 10 years. He also oversaw athletics in the District. Bob was tragically killed in April, 2012 when two young men broke into his home and attacked him, his wife, and son. Mr. Cipriano, an avid runner, was working with the Athletic Directors to create a running program for middle and elementary students that would encourage competition, lifelong fitness, and fun. The Cipriano Memorial Race is a fitting tribute to Bob’s work in Dearborn, his commitment to the children, and his love of running.
The cross country meet is an opportunity for elementary and middle school teams from across the district to engage in some friendly competition while at the same time growing an interest in the sport of cross country and track. The entire community is invited to come out to Ford Field Park to support the student runners and cheer for their favorite school! There will also be an opportunity to congratulate the top 10 finishers in each category during a brief awards ceremony following each race.
“This event is another example of how the District is working to promote habits that create healthy lifestyles for our students and support the community wide Healthy Dearborn program,” commented Superintendent Dr. Glenn Maleyko.
Once again, the district has teamed up with the Dearborn Track Club and the City of Dearborn to coordinate the event. Last year, close to 800 students took part and race planners are looking forward to even more students being involved this year. The event will take place rain or shine. However, if the weather should be become severe (lightning, thunder, heavy rains and/or winds) cancelation may be necessary. If weather conditions are questionable, students and parents are asked to visit the Dearborn Athletic Blog at https://athletics.dearbornschools.org to check the status of the race.
Cipriano Cross Country Meet
Grade 6 – 8, Boys | 4:00 pm |
Grade 6 – 8, Girls | 4:25 pm |
1 MILE RUN | |
Grade 4, Girls | 4:50 pm |
Grade 4, Boys | 5:10 pm |
Grade 5, Girls | 5:30 pm |
Grade 5, Boys | 5:50 pm |
PR 6 Cip Run 1: Dozens of middle school girls competed in last year’s Cipriano Cross-Country meet. Everyone is invited to come cheer for the runners on Monday, Oct 23 at Ford Field Park in Dearborn.
PR6 Cip Run 2: Last year the 5th grade girl’s team from Howard Elementary took home the prize for the top elementary girl’s team. Will they take home the crown again this year or will a team from another elementary challenge last year’s first place finishers?