Oakman School News

What’s Happening This Week?

Greetings Oakman Families,

This weekend was time to SPRING FORWARD! We hope you all remembered to adjust your clocks and are recovering from losing an hour of sleep. The positive is that the signs of Spring approaching are here.

Spring forward and spring flowers

What’s Happening at Oakman this Week?

We are continuing with March Reading Month activities each day. Please refer to the reading month calendar.


Monday: Wear a hat with writing on it day.

Tuesday: Wear your pajamas and slippers day

Wednesday: Late Start for all students

Dress up as your favorite character day

Thursday: Kindergarten Roundup

Crazy hair day

Write a joke, and put it in your pocket to get a small prize from teachers

Friday: Wear a jersey and hat day

Guest reader Kim DeGuilio (Morning Traffic Reporter) and Dearborn High graduate will read to students

Have a great week.