Happy Monday!!
We are finally getting some warm weather and sunshine. Make sure you take the time to enjoy it!! This week our 3rd and 4th graders begin M-Step testing. They will be assessed in both English Language Arts and Math. Parent letters were sent home last week as a reminder of the importance of these tests. Please also remind your 3rd and 4th graders to get enough sleep and a healthy breakfast so they are better prepared and focused.
What is Happening at Oakman this Week?
Monday: 4th grade M-Step testing
Tuesday: 3rd grade M-Step testing
Wednesday: 4th grade M-Step testing
Friday: Talent Show practice after school
Saturday: 5th grade fundraiser at Yogurtopia on Schaefer. Tell your friends, neighbors and family to enjoy a treat between 11am and 9pm AND mention that you are supporting OAKMAN School.
Have a great week!