Greetings Oakman Families,
We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by all your loved ones. We are thankful for our Oakman family and the time we spend together.
In the next few weeks before the holiday vacation, it is crucial that all students continue working towards their goals, read everyday and put forth their best effort during each school day. Reading daily has countless benefits and is a great habit to form. It should now be a regular part of every student’s daily routine and can be tailored to fit students’ needs and interests. Please reach out to any teacher if you need help with tips or resources.

Importance of daily reading
What’s Happening this Week at Oakman?
Monday: Back to School/ Dress Warm
Tuesday: Mathathon
Wednesday: 3rd grade field trip to Lansing
Thursday: Celebration Assembly
Friday: 4th grade math parent meeting
5th grade literacy parent meeting