Oakman School News

Year: 2018

Celebration for Steps to Success Assembly!

Celebration for Steps to Success Assembly!

Please join us tomorrow to celebrate our students success for Marking Period 3 in the gym. We will be celebrating Honor Roll, Most Improved, Bucket fillers and Oakman Mathematicians! If your child is being awarded, please join us! Grades 3-5 will be celebrated from...

Bingo for Books Today!

Bingo for Books Today!

Please join us for Bingo for Books today! What: Bingo for Books When: Tonight! March 26th, 2018 4:30-5:30 Where: Oakman gym. Please use door number 13 (playground area) Who: To all Oakman Families Free books will be awarded to bingo winners. $1 raffle tickets for gift...

What’s Happening this Week?

What’s Happening this Week?

Monday: Bingo for Books 4:30 - 5:30 pm, Guest reader: Wayne County Commissioner Gary Woronchak Tuesday: Steps to Success Celebration Assembly Wednesday: Basketball Jones Assembly, Guest reader: Judge Gene Hunt Thursday: End of Reading Month Minion Party, Last day of...

What’s Happening this Week?

Join Us for Bingo for Books

Come One, Come All ! Oakman School will be holding a family event on Monday 3/26/2018. Bingo for Books is a great fun activity for all members of the family, and a nice way to finish up our activities for March’s Reading Month. We hope you will able to join us and...

Guest Readers this Week

Guest Readers this Week

Aren't we so lucky at Oakman? This week we had a constant flow of guest readers. We thank you all for your support and for advocating for our students. We had Nadra Lamberti, the director of Cotter Preschool, State Representative Sylvia Santana, Fordson Athlete...

BINGO for Books!

BINGO for Books!

Please join us for BINGO for Books! Monday, March 26, 2018 4:15-5:15 BINGO for Books is a family event. It will be held in the gym. ALL are welcome! Goodies & snacks will be sold in the cafe before and after. The event will start at 4:15 and finish by 5:15.  Come...

MATH-A-THON Tomorrow!

MATH-A-THON Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is MATH-A-THON!!! Boys and girls make sure you practice on the iLearn site so that your ready for tomorrow!    

Egg Cartons Needed

Egg Cartons Needed

Please consider donating clean and empty egg cartons to our Young 5s class. You can send them in with your child and have them drop them off in Mrs. Mehrhof's room. Thank you

Raffle Baskets

Raffle Baskets

Gift baskets are on display for Ecology Club's raffle. Tickets are 50 cents and can be purchased before and after school. Purchase some tickets and choose your favorite basket for a chance to WIN!