Oakman School News

Year: 2018

What’s Happening This Week?

Greetings Oakman Families, We hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend. This week, we continue with our reading month fun. We had guest readers in the classrooms, spirit week and a secret guest reader too. Students need to continue reading and turning in...

Reading Month Guest Readers

Reading Month Guest Readers

We have been so fortunate to have such amazing guest readers during reading month. Our community leaders and heroes have been taking the time to read to our students and to spread the importance of reaching our goals! This week we had Officer Mockbil who our students...

Oakman STAND Kindness Rocks on YouTube

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmjhJZtyyiY Please enjoy this video of Oakman students and the amazing job they have done at spreading kindness. The Kindness Rocks Project promotes random acts of kindness in the shape of painted rocks with inspirational words. The...

Kindergarten Roundup Thursday

Kindergarten Roundup Thursday

Greetings Oakman Families, Tomorrow, Thursday the 15th, at 9:00am we will have our Kindergarten roundup meeting. The meeting will consist of an overview of Kindergarten expectations and registration requirements. Parents will receive informational packets and the...

GSRP Application Pickup

GSRP Application Pick Up Pick up an application to enroll your child in GSRP PreK in Room 105 with Mrs. Shooshanian. Friday, April 13th 8:30am-12pm Enrollment process will be at Cotter the week of May 7th.

What’s Happening This Week?

What’s Happening This Week?

Greetings Oakman Families, This weekend was time to SPRING FORWARD! We hope you all remembered to adjust your clocks and are recovering from losing an hour of sleep. The positive is that the signs of Spring approaching are here. What's Happening at Oakman this Week?...

Reading Month Guest Readers

Reading Month Guest Readers

Thank you to our guest readers this week. We appreciate your time and willingness to spread the importance of reading to our students.