Oakman School News

What’s Happening at Oakman This Week?

Happy Monday,

Now that the polar vortex, snow days and freezing temperatures are behind us, we are looking forward to warmer and brighter days! We hope you all enjoyed the Superbowl weekend and had fun cheering for your favorite team.

Since we missed a few days last week, the NWEA testing window has been extended until Wednesday. Please continue to make sure that students are getting to bed on time and eating a healthy breakfast each day.

WIDA testing also starts this week. This is a yearly assessment for our English Language Learners in the areas of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Classroom teachers will let students know of their testing days.

What’s Happening this Week?

Monday:  1st day of WIDA testing window

Tuesday: Before and after-school tutoring

Wednesday: LATE START, No Morning Tutoring

PTA School Store, after-school tutoring

Thursday: Guest Speaker, Mr. Khodr Farhat

Before and after-school tutoring

Friday: No School for Kindergarten

Have a great week

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