It sure is starting to look and feel more like Fall. As the weather cools down, please make sure you are dressed for the cooler temperatures.
Last week we had a busy and productive week. Thank you to all the Oakman students, parents and staff who attended the Smoke on the Grill event at Ford Field. Oakman had great representation at this district event which is a true reflection of everyone’s commitment to our students.
As we prepare for our annual TRUNK-Or-TREAT event, we are collecting bags of candy. Please pick up a bag or a few the next time you go shopping and donate them for this exciting event.
Oakman families: Please be sure to VOTE on November 5. CLICK HERE for more information on the BRICS Bond and how it will impact our schools and students.
What’s Happening This Week?
Monday: Oakman School Shirt/ Gear Day
Wednesday: Custodian Appreciation Day
Robotics Bake Sale... please consider donating some baked goods to our Robotics team
Friday: Pizza Sale after School