Oakman School News

What’s Happening This Week?

Are you keeping warm? It is currently 40 degrees, however the forecast is predicting temperatures in the 20s and 30s for this week. Please make sure all students are wearing warm coats, hats, scarves and gloves to school.

Thank you to all the parents who attended their parent teacher conference on Thursday. We will continue with conferences this week on Tuesday and Thursday.

We also had a great turnout to our parent meeting on Friday. Thank you to all who attended. Photos will be posted soon.

Our PTA and students had a fun-filled time at Zap Zone on Friday evening. Thank you to all the families and staff who attended this event and helped make it a success.

What is happening this week at Oakman?

Monday: Veteran’s Day

Tuesday: Parent Teacher Conferences from 4-7pm

Wednesday: World Kindness Day – Take the time to show kindness to others

Thursday: Parent Teacher Conferences from 4-7pm

Friday: TGIF

On SATURDAY, our 4th and 5th grade Robotics team will be competing at Milan High School. Best of luck to you all!