Oakman School News

Red Wings Day at Oakman Next Week

Next Wednesday, Oakman welcomes a very special guest! Please help us to welcome Detroit Red Wing’s Player JUSTIN ABDELKADER.

Justin Abdelkader is not only a Detroit Red Wings Hockey player, but also an author! Justin Abdelkader will be reading his book, “Shoot for the Goal” during his visit to Oakman.

We are very fortunate for the opportunity of welcoming and meeting Justin Abdelkader at Oakman on March 4th. We are also excited that students will have the opportunity to purchase a signed and personalized book.

During his visit, Justin Abdelkader will be reading his book. This book is available for advance ordering at the special price of $16.95. Students may also choose to add a personal inscription.

Books will also be available for purchase on the day for $20