K-2 Choices – Send something in and you will receive a prize!:
- Create an obstacle course “Ninja Warrior style” and send the results to your classroom teacher/Ms. Coach on how you do timed and how you did compared to your family members!
- Use a tent to go under or through, cones, chairs, couches, trees, swingset, musical chairs, etc. Get creative!!
- Remember a Field Day activity we’ve done in the past that was indoors or outdoors and re-create it, do it, show me or email your teacher/Ms. Coach about how it went!
- Balancing, sponge or egg races, shoe kicks, tug of war, 2 liter bowling, frisbee, ball drop kicks, etc.
- If you’re feeling brave, you can try a couple of these ideas: https://openphysed.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/NFD2020-ALL-EventCardsV2.pdf
- Then use this scorecard and show your teacher/Ms. Coach: https://openphysed.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/NFD-ScoreCard-Official-V2.pdf
3-5 Choices:
- You know what to do, like we’ve been practicing for the last 3 weeks. Send me in your scorecards and you may get a prize! Do 7-10 event cards please!