Welcome to the week of September 14, 2020,
Can you believe we are starting our third week already? We understand that school is looking and feeling a little different but we want you to know that we will continue to support you in any way we can. Oakman is team of wonderful students, parents and staff that will continue to provide a supportive learning environment for all our students.
Tips to help you navigate through the week:
- Explore your teacher’s Schoology page
- Sign up for your classroom teacher’s and specials teacher’s blog
- Check out “1. Awesome Oakman Staff” tab on the Oakman blog. Here you can access all the teacher’s blogs and emails
- Be sure to sign into your Zoom meetings on time in the morning and after lunch for attendance
- Using headphones while in Zoom meetings may reduce background noise
- Keep your chromebook charged
- Check out the district’s “Home Learning Hub” Page for helpful tips
- Reach out for help when you need it… You are not alone!