With the start of blended learning on March 1, Dearborn Public Schools will change how it distributes free student meals.
Weekly meal pickup will move to Wednesdays starting on March 3 and will be provided at all of our traditional middle and high schools. Pickup will continue to run from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Students at all levels will also have the option to receive a meal on the days they attend school in person.
Pickup will be available at Bryant Middle, Dearborn High, Edsel Ford High, Fordson High, Lowrey, McCollough-Unis, Salina Intermediate, Smith Middle, Stout Middle, and Woodworth Middle schools.
Please note, Henry Ford, Maples, McDonald and Miller elementary schools and the Dearborn Heights Campus will no longer be distribution sites.
Dearborn Public Schools will continue to provide a week’s worth of food for any student in the district or any sibling under 18 years of age. No ID is required, and the student does not need to attend that building or come with the adult picking up the food.
Students attending in person will also have the option to get a meal at school that day. Students will socially distance in serving lines, and touch points have been minimized. The district will continue to work to provide high quality food in the safest way possible.
Elementary students attending face to face will be able to pick from one of two hot lunch options or pack their own food. Most buildings will have students eating in the cafeteria with social-distancing, but the specifics of how children will eat will vary by building. Menus will be provided on the Nutrislice website.
Middle and high school students attending face-to-face instruction will be able to get a grab-and-go breakfast. Those menus will also be posted on Nutrislice. More details of how breakfast will work at each building will be provided directly from that school.
Dearborn Public Schools has been distributing free student meals since shortly after the schools were required to close in March 2020. Recently, we have been handing out more than 100,000 meals a week. The district has about 20,700 students.
All students attending school in the district are eligible for free breakfast and lunch under special provisions of the National School Lunch Program.