Oakman School News

Return to School on Monday

Just a quick reminder that all Dearborn Public Schools will be returning to our Hybrid schedule starting on Monday, April 12, 2021. This is the schedule that was being followed prior to Spring Break. 

Also, high schools will be taking part in State testing next week. Information has been shared with students but please check with your child’s school for details or if there are any questions. 

For students 16 and older, there are still appointments available on April 16th at DMC to get your COVID-19 vaccination. This is a special partnership between the District and DMC. For more information on how to sign up please visit: https://firstbell.dearbornschools.org/2021/03/31/district-dmc-offering-covid-vaccines-to-older-students-and-their-parents/

Please remember that we must continue to Mask UP, social distance, wash hands, and avoid large gatherings. The vaccine offers us hope that our fight against COVID 19 will come to an end but we have a long way to go. Working together we can do this!  

Thank you