Greetings Oakman Families,
It’s starting to get very chilly outside. We will begin indoor recess tomorrow. Each class will have a designated area to line up. Due to limited space indoors, we ask all parents to drop of their child and not to enter the building. Doors will be locked at 9:00. If you drop off your child after 9:00, please make sure you go to door number 5 and buzz in and let the office know your child is late. Thank you for your cooperation. 🙂
Monday 12/6: Welcome Back! Reindeer Day!
Tuesday 12/7: Twinkle Tuesday (Dress in sparkle and shine)
Wednesday 12/8: Late Start. School Starts at 10:00. Breakfast will be served at 9:30 Elf Yourself
Thursday 12/9: Tinsel Toes Thursday (Wear Crazy Socks)
Friday 12/10: Parent Meeting 9:15 in the Cafeteria. PTA Pizza Sale afterschool! Flurry Friday (Dress in White)