Greetings Oakman Parents,
We hope you’re having a great start to the week. This Friday, October 21st is our whole school field trip to DeBuck’s pumpkin patch and corn maze. We are super excited! Please if you haven’t turned in your child’s permission slip and waiver please do so as soon as possible. Our students are going to enjoy the Fall weather and participate in team building activities. Students will enjoy a Wagon Ride, An adventure through the Kids Corn Maze, Cup of Cider & a Donut, Rat Race, Human-Sized Foosball, Combine Slide, Swing Sets, Jump Pad, Punchin’ Pumpkins, Ga-Ga Ball, Pirate Ship,Double Trouble Slide, Super Tube Slide, and King of the Hill.
This week in place of popcorn Thursday-the PTA will be having a bake sale. If you would like to donate goodies to help support the PTA please contact Miss. Amged (Jello, cookies, cupcakes, custard cups). Thank you for your support!
Please consider donating bags of individual candy to help support Trunk or Treat.
Monday: Happy Monday!
Tuesday: Apple Crunch Event! Each person will get a fresh apple and on the count of three we’ll CRUNCH! 🍎🍏
Wednesday: Second Grade on Field Trip
Thursday: PTA Bake Sale!
Friday: Whole school field trip to DeBuck’s Corn Maze!
Mark your calendars:
Friday 10/28: End of 1st card marking. 1/2 day dismissal is at 12:05 Pizza Sale! Gleaners Food Distribution
Monday 10/31: Halloween Day! Trunk or Treat!
Wednesday 11/2: Picture Retake