Greetings Oakman Parents,
We had a fabulous whole school field trip to DeBuck’s on Friday! Thank you to all the parents, students and staff. Special thank you to our wonderful PTA! We are looking forward to another marvelous week at Oakman.
This Friday, October 28th, is a half day! Gleaners Food Distribution will be coming to Oakman! Distribution will begin at 1:00. The menu for this week will include 2 applesauce, 1 mixed fruit, 2 spaghetti, 1 Great Northern Beans, 2 green beans, 1 corn, 1 walnut pieces, milk and 1 HALAL chicken. Please bring your card with you in order to get the food.
Our trunk or treat will be Monday, October 31st. If you would like to donate bags of individual pieces of candy we greatly appreciate it!
Spirit week starts this week!
Monday 10/24: Welcome back lions! 🙂
Tuesday 10/25: Dress as your favorite superhero day!
Wednesday 10/26: Pink out!
Thursday 10/27: Culture Day!
Friday 10/28: 1/2 day dismissal at 12:05. Gleaners Food Distribution at 1:30! Favorite Sports!
Monday 10/31: Dress in your Halloween costume or black and orange for Halloween! Trunk or Treat @ 2:00