Greetings Oakman Parents,
The weather has changed and it’s starting to get colder! Please remember to send your child with a jacket, hat and gloves. Our students will continue to go outside for recess if the wind chill and temperature is above 20 degrees.
Battle Against Hunger has started (November 14 to 18). This is a contest between our feeder schools, Fordson, Dearborn High and Edsel.The last time we participated in the food drive Oakman raised over 1,200 cans. This year we are hoping we can reach 1,500 cans. Collected food will be donated to Zaman International.
Cash donations will be collected for the Amity Foundation and Gleaners. Every dollar donated will count as 2 cans. The class that collects the most cans, will win a pizza party.
Also, mark your calendars this week we’ll have a parent meeting on Friday, November, 18th at 9:15 in the cafeteria.

Monday 11/14: Canned Food Drive Brings
Tuesday 11/15: 🙂
Wednesday 11/16: Parent Teacher Conference Day 3
Thursday 11/17: PTA Sale!
Friday 11/18: Parent Meeting in the cafeteria at 9:15
Mark your calendars:
NO SCHOOL- Wednesday, November 23-November 27
December 2nd- Gleaners Food Distribution
December 7th- Late Start
NO SCHOOL-December 26th-January 8th