Greetings Oakman Lions!
Welcome Back Lions! We hope you enjoyed the 5 day break and you’re feeling refreshed! This week we end the month of November and start the month of December. Please continue to send your child to school wearing a coat, hat and gloves to school. This Friday, December 2nd we will have our second Gleaners Food Distribution at 1:30. To ensure a smooth distribution, we will have a one way line up on Orchard. We advise our parents to come onto Orchard from Ternes and Gould. This will help avoid traffic on Chase. We will have a designated line for walkers. If you have driving, please stay in your car and have your card ready. Have a marvelous week!
Monday 11/28: Welcome Back!
Tuesday 11/29: 🙂
Wednesday 11/30: 🙂
Thursday 12/1: 🙂
Friday 12/2: Gleaners Food Distribution at 1:30
Mark your calendars:
December 7th- Late Start
NO SCHOOL-December 26th-January 8th