Greetings Oakman Parents,
We had a eventful week last week! Thank you parents for your continued support. We had a very successful science night last Wednesday. Our students enjoyed the presentations. Many realized they can do “science experiments” at home as well!
This week marks the beginning of a new card marking. Many classrooms will continue NWEA/iReady testing this week.
Walk n Roll club is every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:10. Students walk the track if it’s above 35 degrees and walk in the gym if it’s below 35 degrees. At our parent meeting Friday, Mr. Lesniak discussed the importance of moving our body and the impact it has on learning. Students are encouraged to join. Walking is great exercise and helps the environment. Have a marvelous week Lions!

Monday, January, 23rd: 1/2 day dismissal is at 12:05. PTA pizza sale after school. Each slice is $1.50