Greetings Oakman Parents,
Our wonderful PTA works so hard to support our school. Please consider supporting our PTA by joining the PTA by paying $10 for single membership or $20 for family. The class that brings in the most memberships will get extra gym time!
I Ready assessment will begin this week. We will begin assessing students in Math and Language Arts using the i-Ready Diagnostic. The i-Ready Diagnostic is replacing the NWEA MAP assessment that the district has used for several years. The i-Ready diagnostic will provide useful information to help guide instruction for all of our students. We will be providing you the results of the assessment once it has been completed.
Just a friendly reminder during arrival and dismissal Orchard Ave is ONE-WAY. All cars should be driving towards Tireman street not towards Warren. Our students safety is our main concern.
This Friday, September 15 we will have Gleaners Food Distribution. Menu includes 2 applesauce, 2 pistachios, 2 spaghetti, 2 mixed vegetables, 1 Green Northern beans, 2 vegetable broth and 1 halal chicken drumsticks. If you need a gleaners card please contact the school office to get more information. Distribution will begin at 1:30.
We are looking forward to a fabulous week!
Monday 9/11- Welcome Back! IReady testing begins.
Friday 9/15- Gleaners Food Distribution @ 1:30