Greetings Oakman Parents,
We’re starting to get some Fall weather. Please send your child to school with a sweater or light jacket. Students will have outdoor recess at least once daily.
This week Dearborn School’s Early Release Tuesdays will begin. Every Tuesday, school will end at 2:25pm. Please make arrangements to pick up your child this Tuesday, October 10 at 2:25.
Care to the Care will take place Thursday, October 12th. Care to the Core is a day where all of Dearborn Public Schools are asked to show in some way how they nurture a positive school environment. While Care to the Core has its roots in anti-bullying initiatives, it has grown to include a broader approach to positive school climate and to student emotional, mental and physical health. Be sure to ask your child what their class has planned for that day!
Last week, we had The Motor City Lyric Opera performing The Three Billy Goats Gruff Opera Presentation. The main was anti-bullying and kindness is contagious. Our students were an awesome audience.
Parents our PTA is asking for individually wrapped candy or monetary donations for our annual trunk or treat on Tuesday, October 31st. Thank you to all the parents that have donated already. We appreciate your continued support.