Greetings Oakman Parents,
This week your child will come home with a decorated pie pumpkin. Thank you to our PTA for securing the pumpkins and Mrs. Brown our fabulous art teacher for helping our kiddos decorate their pumpkin! We will need 2 parent volunteers from each classroom to help with this activity. If you are available please reach out to Miss. Amged in the office.
Parents our PTA is asking for individually wrapped candy or monetary donations for our annual trunk or treat on Tuesday, October 31st. Thank you to all the parents that have donated already. We appreciate your continued support.
Monday: Welcome Back!
Tuesday: Early Release dismissal @ 2:25
PTA Pizza Sale $1.50 per slice. Please let Miss. Amged know if you would like a box of pizza for $15
Wednesday: 😃
Thursday: PTA Cupcake sale $1.50
Friday: PTA Popcorn 🍿 Sale $1
Oct. 27- 1/2 Day -Gleaners Food Distribution @1
Oct. 31- Trunk or Treat