Greetings Oakman Parents,
We hope you enjoyed the time off with your families. ♥️ we are looking forward to seeing our Oakman students.
Last week, our Oakman staff and students voted for Student Council. We are so proud of ALL the students that ran for office. Our students worked hard to campaign, write speeches and answer questions by their peers at the town hall. On Tuesday students voted using a ballot and received a sticker for participating. It was an awesome experience. Congratulations to President: Naya Bazzi, Vice President: Lara Bassam and Secretary: Mila Elsiblani.
Monday: Welcome back!
Tuesday: Dismissal at 2:25 PTA Pizza Sale Call Miss. Amged if you would like a box for $15
Wednesday: Gleaners Food Distribution @ 1:30
Thursday: 😃
Friday: 4th Field Trip
Mark your calendars
Friday 12-8: Whole school field trip