Oakman School News

Lions Weekly

Greetings Oakman Parents, 

Brrr! 🥶 It’s definitely cold outside! Please have your child wear coat, scarf, hat and gloves to school. The temperature this week is expected to be in the single digits. 

Please join us this Friday, January 19th at 9:15 in the gym for our monthly PTA meeting. This Friday Executive Director Mr. Adam Martin will be joining us. PTA will provide a light breakfast. 

Some teachers have began iReady testing. 

Monday: No School! MLK Day

Tuesday: Dismissal at 2:25 Pizza Sale after school. Please preorder if you would like a box of pizza. 

Wednesday: 😀

Thursday: 😀

Friday: Parent Meeting at 9:15 (Chatting with Executive Director Adam Martin)

Mark your calendars 

1/8/24-1/26/24 IReady Testing Winter

1/19/24 PTA meeting Chatting with Executive Director Adam Martin 

1/26/24 Gleaners Food Distribution

2/5/24-3/22/24 WIDA Testing Begins