Greetings Oakman Families,
This week we have battle against hunger and spirit week! We’ve teamed up with Zaman International and Amity Foundation. Food donations gathered are given to Zaman International to distribute to the community. Monetary donations will go to the Amity Foundation. The class the collects the most will win a pizza party from the PTA.
Monday: Team Spirit Wear a jersey and show sportsmanship
Tuesday: wear yellow or smiley face shirt and make someone smile
Wednesday: Mindful Wednesday wear a shirt with a positive message and pass out positive notes.
Thursday: Thankful Thursday wear orange or brown and pass out thank you notes
Friday: Grateful Friday Dress like someone who you are grateful for teacher, mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather or an important person in your life that you are grateful for.
Battle Against Hunger: 11/18-11/22
No school: 11/27-12/1
Please fill out Virtual Plan Family Survey here