Oakman School News

Want to Observe Your Child’s Classroom? What would you change?

For Friday, March 10th at 8:55 am in the cafeteria.

Walkthrough our School with Mr. Abu Rus, Mrs. Chehab, Mrs. Mc Mahon, Mrs. Fowler, Ms. Dakhlallah,

and Mrs. Awada. Come see how we teach in the classroom and review our School Improvement Plan. Groups of parents will tour different rooms and silently observe the teachers and students. We then collaborate in the cafeteria and discuss what we saw.

اجتماع الأهل: ندعوكم الى زيارة عدد من الصفوف بصحبة السيد أبو الروس، السيدة شهاب،

السيدة دكروب، السيدة ماكماهون والسيدة دخل الله. احضروا وانظروا كيف نعلم الاولاد في الفصول الدراسية. سنقوم بجولة في مجموعات صغيرة لغرف مختلفة ومراقبة المعلمين والطلاب وذلك بصمت. سنعود الى الكافتيريا للتعاون و لمناقشة ما شاهدناه.


The Oakman Clothing Sale!- Due Tomorrow

We have t-shirts, zip-up hoodies, sweatshirts, dry fit shirts and fleece jackets.

Yesterday the order form went home with your child. Please add $3.00 to the total if you want your child’s name on the item. We have samples of all sizes with Mrs. Dakroub. If you want to see the size before you place the order let her know.

Send EXACT CASH only. No checks. Shirts are royal blue and white with a lion on it. These are the school colors and  mascot.

STUDENT order form 3-1-17
