Oakman School News

What’s Happening at Oakman this Week?

Can you believe that February is almost over? As we prepare for March, we are looking forward to READING MONTH. This year our theme will be OCEANS! You may have noticed that some of the classroom doors are getting a makeover in preparation for March is Reading Month. Stay tuned for more information about reading events, contests and fun!

Image result for march is reading month

What’s Happening at Oakman this Week?

WIDA testing continues


Healthy Living Program for 3rd and 4th grade


Morning and afternoon tutoring. Please use doors 1 and 12 to enter in the morning


The Secret World of Robots Assembly

Morning and afternoon tutoring. Please use doors 1 and 12 to enter in the morning


Field Trip to Detroit Symphony Orchestra for select students (3-5)

Morning and afternoon tutoring. Please use doors 1 and 12 to enter in the morning


March is Reading Month Kickoff Assembly

Have a wonderful week!