We realize the abrupt closure of all the District schools for weeks is causing concern about many issues. As we have answers, we will post them here. Keep in mind, this type of closure is unprecedented in modern times, so the District needs time to figure out dozens of different issues. Also, information may change as the situation and our planning continues to evolve. Check back here for updates. New information will be added to the top.
Posted March 16, 2020
How long will schools be closed?
Gov. Whitmer ordered all schools closed until April 5. Dearborn Schools was already scheduled to have spring break the following week, so the District currently plans to be closed through April 12.
Posted March 16, 2020
Will this mean extending the school year? Changing graduation dates?
We don’t know yet, but possibly. The Michigan Department of Education will need to provide schools direction on this topic.
The reality is that even if the state waives the required number of school days, the content our students are supposed to learn will not change. Missing three weeks of school will leave students behind academically.
Posted March 16, 2020
Will students be offered online learning?
Yes. We are using the resources we have to continue online learning for students, including iReady, Eureka Math, Kahn Academy, Google Classroom and more. Teachers will be monitoring how students are using these resources and checking email to answer questions from students or parents. Many teachers already use these and other online resources to supplement classroom instruction. Middle and high school students should watch their school emails for word from teachers about possible assignments and/or online classes.
That said, we do not anticipate being able to move to entirely virtual schools for all 21,000 students. We also realize that many of our students do not have access at home to computers or the Internet and cannot effectively complete lessons.
Elementary parents – in most cases, your child can access their online learning tools by accessing Clever. (See how to access Clever.) Their student ID number is on their report card.
Parents should also be checking their child’s individual school websites for updates and information.
Posted March 16, 2020
Will the district offer access to computers and the Internet for online learning?
We are looking at the options. Meanwhile, Comcast is waiving the first two month’s fees for the Internet for some low-income families through its Comcast Essentials program. See https://www.internetessentials.com/covid19
Posted March 16, 2020
Is our school event canceled?
Yes. If you had a school or public event planned in a District building between March 16 and April 10, assume it is canceled. High school parent-teacher conferences, school fundraisers, athletic events, PTA meetings, scouts, concerts and more are canceled or postponed while the buildings are closed. (You can still check with your event’s organizers to confirm.) A few smaller, District-related meetings will still occur, but staff should look for specific guidance on those.
Posted March 16, 2020
Will schools and buses be cleaned during the time off?
Yes. Crews are working on sanitizing the schools during these first few days off, and buses, already sanitized once, will be wiped down again before school resumes.
Posted March 16, 2020
Will schools be open so I can get my belongings?
Schools were open on Friday, March 13 so students and staff could collect personal belongings. If an extremely important item was left at the school, please reach out to your teacher or principal to possibly arrange a way to retrieve that item on March 16 or March 17. There is no guarantee that you will be able to get the item from the school. Schools are being thoroughly cleaned on March 16 and 17, and after those days they will be closed to all staff, students, and parents.
Posted March 16, 2020
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Please reach out to the District Communications office at 313-827-3006 or communications@dearbornschools.org. You may also be able to email teachers and staff if you have more specific questions.