Flyer_Staying-Well-teen-workshops-Fall-2022Download Flyer-Grief-and-Loss-for-teens_young-adultsDownload Flyer_Creative-Coping_September-2022Download
Mariam Dakhlallah

Open House

No School-Labor Day Weekend
No School Friday, September 2nd and Monday, September 5th for Labor Day. We will see everyone Tuesday, September 6th!

Special Needs Back to School

Friday Fun Day at the Park

If your chromebook has stopped working, please bring it to the school office.

First Day of School FUN!
We had a great first day at school! We were very happy to see the smiles on our students faces. Our students were treated to cookies and milk and had a photo booth. Our fabulous PTA even had the local ice cream truck come out and treat our parents, students and staff!...

Backpack Giveaway!
Communities in Schools of Michigan in coordination with Kids in Need Foundation will be giving Oakman students a backpack filled with school supplies. School supplies include 3 folders, package of pencils, markers, 2 notebooks, 1 scissors, 2 glue sticks, post-it’s,...
Recommended supply list
Please refer to the link below (in blue) for recommended /suggested school supplies for your child. Recommended Supply List

Popcorn Sale on Friday!
PTA will be selling popcorn this Friday! Please bring your money before Friday so that we can count you in for a bag. Each bag is .50 cent. Please preorder ahead of time so that the PTA knows how many bags to pop.