Oakman School News

Mariam Dakhlallah

Late Start Tomorrow!

Late Start Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Wednesday December 8, 2021 is a LATE START. Breakfast will be served at 9:30am. School starts at 9:50am. .غدًا ، الأربعاء  ٨ ديسمبر / كانون أول يوم بداية متأخرة. تبدأ المدرسة في الساعة 09:50 صباحا. سيتم تقديم وجبة الإفطار في الساعة 9:30...

Lions Weekly!

Lions Weekly!

Greetings Oakman Families, It's starting to get very chilly outside. We will begin indoor recess tomorrow. Each class will have a designated area to line up. Due to limited space indoors, we ask all parents to drop of their child and not to enter the building. Doors...