Oakman School News

Mariam Dakhlallah

1/2 Day Fun!

1/2 Day Fun!

Oakman students were in for a surprise today! Students enjoyed a train ride, ride horses and pet and feed farm animals. We had 4 horses, chickens, rabbits, sheep, goat and much more visit Oakman School! After students interacted with the animals, they enjoyed a warm...

Pizza Sale Friday!

Pizza Sale Friday!

Friday, November 5th, 2021 will be 1/2 day. We will be selling pizza after school. If you would like to buy a box, please call the office by Thursday. Each slice will be $1

Lions Weekly!

Lions Weekly!

Monday 11/1: Welcome Back Tuesday 11/2: No School! Election Day Wednesday 11/3: 🙂 Thursday 11/4: First day of parent teacher conferences Friday 11/5: 1/2 Day dismissal is at 12:05 Mark Your calendars! 11/9: Second day of parent teacher conferences 11/11: Final day of...

Message to our parents & Trunk or Treat pictures

Message to our parents & Trunk or Treat pictures

Oakman Families, On behalf of Mr. Abu-Rus and the whole Oakman staff, we would like to thank you for your patience during our emergency shut down last week. We know we can always count on our amazing parents to partner up with to make sure our students are receiving...