Class News
Lions Weekly!
Monday 11/1: Welcome Back Tuesday 11/2: No School! Election Day Wednesday 11/3: 🙂 Thursday 11/4: First day of parent teacher conferences Friday 11/5: 1/2 Day dismissal is at 12:05 Mark Your calendars! 11/9: Second day of parent teacher conferences 11/11: Final day of...
Message to our parents & Trunk or Treat pictures
Oakman Families, On behalf of Mr. Abu-Rus and the whole Oakman staff, we would like to thank you for your patience during our emergency shut down last week. We know we can always count on our amazing parents to partner up with to make sure our students are receiving...
Oakman Open tomorrow!
We look forward to seeing everyone at school tomorrow!!!!!
Oakman Elementary Closed Tomorrow
Oakman Elementary will be closed tomorrow. Classes will be held on Zoom 10:00-3:00.
Material Pick up Tomorrow
الأهالي الأعزاء، نظرًا لأن المنطقة التعليمية تعمل بجد لإصلاح مشكلة تصريف المجاري ، فنحن نريد أن نكون استباقيين ونمنح طلابنا أفضل فرصة تعليمية عن بُعد. للقيام بذلك ، نطلب منك إحضار طفلك إلى كافتيريا المدرسة غداً في الساعة 10 صباحًا لأخذ الكتب المدرسية. نريد أن...
School Closed Tomorrow 10/27/21
Dear Oakman Families, Crews have been working hard to fix the plumbing issue in the building. So far the work needs to continue tomorrow, and as a result all classes will be held on zoom Wednesday, October 27th, 2021. الاهالي الاعزاء، ستكون المدرسة مغلقة يوم غد...
Oakman Elementary-Closed 10/26
We will be closed today Tuesday, October 26th, 2021. The day will be virtual synchronous 10:00-3:00 on Zoom. Lunch for all grades wiil be from 12:30-1:08. الاهالي الاعزاء .ستقفل المدرسة اليوم لتكملة عملية التصليحات للبناية يتابع الطلاب الدروس اليوم عن طريق...
Parents mark your calendar
Oakman Elementary – Closed 10/25
Oakman Elementary will be closed on today due to a building problem caused by the recent rainfall.