Oakman School News

Class News

The ROAR Show 5/25/21

Good morning Oakman Lions! The ROAR show (Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters) features Jaafer Obeid from Miss. Mosed’s fifth grade class! https://youtu.be/XnN64f75rn8

The ROAR Show 5/23/21

Good morning Oakman Lions! The ROAR show (Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters) features Amin Odeh from Miss. Elward’s fourth grade class! https://youtu.be/cv9kmGotsPk

Snack sale is back during lunch!

Snack sale is back during lunch!

We will be selling snacks this week! We will sell individual snacks during lunch such as ice cream sandwiches, individual ice cream sundaes, bottled water and more!

The ROAR Show

Good morning Oakman Lions! The ROAR show (Remarkable Oakman Announcements Reporters) features Salma Alakhfash from Miss. Mosed’s fifth grade class! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S_IkTczPvo

Thursday’s Walk or Bike to School Day Photos

Thursday’s Walk or Bike to School Day Photos

Today's Walk or Bike to School Day was a great success! Many Oakman students participated in exercising on their way to school. Thankfully we had great weather and were able to witness many happy students arriving to school. We had 53 Oakman students either walk or...