We are so excited to debut our Weekly ROAR (Remarkable Oakman Announcement Reporters) video! This weeks episode featured Miss. Chehab, Miss. Dakhlallah, and Miss. Hespen. If you would like to be featured in our ROAR videos please send Miss. Dakhlallah an email!...
Class News
Students of the week 2/22/21-2/26/21
Message to GROUP B in Young 5s, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd
We look forward to seeing our GROUP B students in Young fives, kindergarten, first grade and second grade in the morning. Tomorrow (Tuesday) all group B students will be coming into the building from 9:30 a.m. to 2:20pm. Please enter from door #4 Please remember...
We can’t MASK our excitement to see you!
We are so excited to see Oakman students in our hallways! Please take a moment to watch the following videos! Also, please view the attached Google slides to read about Hybrid lunch procedures! https://youtu.be/I8Yuoo4J6Nw Special message from your Oakman family...
Message to GROUP A Students in Young 5s, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade
Tomorrow, Monday March 1st marks the official opening of school for hybrid learning. We look forward to seeing our GROUP A students in Young fives, kindergarten, first grade and second grade in the morning. On Monday all group A students will be coming into the...
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade Students to Start Hybrid Schedule Tomorrow
Students of the week 2/16/21-2/19/21
Hybrid Learning Presentation
ROAR Welcome Back Message!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone in person! Some things may look a little different at Oakman. Please watch this short video that will help explain some of the changes. https://youtu.be/tNGeLRTAxJs
Food Distribution Changes
With the start of blended learning on March 1, Dearborn Public Schools will change how it distributes free student meals. Weekly meal pickup will move to Wednesdays starting on March 3 and will be provided at all of our traditional middle and high schools. ...