Class News
LAHC 15th Annual Turkey Drive
Oakman’s Mock Election Results Are In
Thank you Oakman students for taking the time to vote in our Mock Election. The ballots have been counted and the pie graphs below show how our student body voted on the different issues proposed. Thank you again for participating in our democratic process. Thank you...
Students Be Sure to Vote Before the Poll Closes at 8pm
Click here to vote
VOTE NOW – Oakman’s Voting Poll is Now Open
CLICK HERE to VOTE In order to vote on this ballot you must be an Oakman Student have your student ID number readybe willing to participate in making important decisions EACH STUDENT CAN VOTE ONE TIME You may also click on the Oakman Lion logo (above) to...
No School Tomorrow: Election Day
Don't forget your student duty and be sure to vote on the Oakman Ballot tomorrow. It will be posted here on the blog and on your teacher's schoology page!
Half Day on Friday 30th
Tomorrow, Friday the 30th is a half day for all students. There are no zoom sessions after lunch.