We will have a limited number of chromebooks tomorrow (Tuesday Sept. 1st) by door number 10 (cafeteria door) starting at 9:00am. One chrome per student as quantities last.
Class News
R.O.A.R. Announcements
How to check student email
Since we will starting the school year virtually one of the best forms of communication will be email. All students have an email address. It is your child's 8 digit student number followed by @dearbornschools.org. The password is usually the child's birthdate...
Welcome Back!
Hello Oakman Lions, Welcome back to school! The first day of school is tomorrow Monday, August 31st, 2020. As you know, school will be virtual. But the first week of school is a soft start which means everyday this week is a half day. During soft start, teachers will...
Students and Parents will be using Schoology as the place to start. Students can log in being Monday morning. (Parent accounts will be coming soon).
Meal Distribution
HYPE & Byblos will be distributing 200+ meals to families at Byblos Banquet (7258 Chase) today from 3:00pm-5:00pm. All families from all communities are welcome to pick up a prepared box of fresh produce and dairy items. They will also have non-perishable items.
Distribution of Material
Hello Oakman Families, Chromebooks and learning materials will be distributed starting Monday August 31st. Stay tuned for more information. Please continue to check the Oakman blog for more details.
ACCESS Back to School Drive
ACCESS is sponsoring a back to school drive-thry bash on Monday August 31st, from 12pm-5pm. They will be providing free backpacks, food packages, lunch for families, oral hygiene kits, giveaways and more. The event is free to the community and participants can attend...
GSRP Preschool Applications
Dearborn Public Schools will make applications available for this year’s GSRP preschool programs offered throughout the district on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 from 10 a.m – noon. Mrs. Shooshanian and Mrs. Muatafa will have applications available for pick up outside...
Remote Learning Expectations
Dearborn Public Schools Board of Educated voted to start school online until Oct. 1. In late September, trustees will reevaluate conditions to see if more students can return to school. The first day of school is August 31st, 2020. Please take a few minutes to...